
27 Game Reviews

9 w/ Responses

Controls weren't very clear to me, died about 5 times trying to figure it out - took until I had to rapidly press the left mouse button in frustration for the helicopter to finally fly

Please be more clear on that

music is nice and aside from the controls, gameplay wasn't bad

ahgundam responds:

Sir, you need to read the instruction manual for the 747-400. Try making sense of THAT instruction manual because... sheesh... I have been trying to for the last couple of months.

As a playable game: 2/2
Music: 0/2
Art: 1/1

Music really turned me off, was extremely weird, idk if that is what you were going for? Not creepy or scary, just distorted cheery songs.

Very basic, could use some sfx and music

Apart from the sound...Being a loud monotone note

I really liked it, was really neat to play, very unique

(4/5 because sound but that's an easy fix I'm sure)

Instead of "G" to choose direction, maybe left and right arrow keys?

When I wanted to choose a different direction I'd have to cycle through the selection again and was kind of tedious

Concept is there, music/sfx isn't


JaytleBee responds:

The thing has clunky in it's name! It's the bloody point!
If I just used the arrow keys, this'd just be another generic platformer.

Art: 2/2
Sounds: 2/2
Concept: 1/1

This was very nice to play, not too complicated, right timing!

Very simple tic tac toe, it's a game that a lot of people know and play and it would be so much more amazing if you put your own personality on it would be the feedback I'd give.
maybe different colors/styles?
some nice music/sfx?
possibly more modes (like a tic tac toe board with 4x4 instead of 3x3)

it's functionality is there and it has it's playability, but originality isn't, there's 100's (thousands) of tic tac toe games out there, as a fellow artist myself - set yourself apart and make a "better" tic tac toe by adding more features and making your game better than the rest per say.

Only giving a 3 star because of originality issues, you can do it!!

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